PBVJC visits Veteran's home in Vineland Nj

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Seems like every direction you turn in 2022 PBVJC is in the limelight. On December 18th, 2022, a spin off venture of PBVJC called “Venom Elves” set out to put smiles on the faces of people who so deserve it.
Venom Elves is spearheaded by PBVJC Admin Mel and assisted by Admin Erin. Venom Elves opened for donations to this great heartfelt cause back in September of this year. The support was outstanding from everyone involved. Excitement built as they got ready for the job and the task at hand.
Members of PBVJC and the community with local businesses sent in monetary donations. Donations were utilized on stuffing gift bags for our vets. Others from the community sent in socks, blankets, necessities and more to help make this a successful venture.

Make it happen!
The maiden voyage of Venom Elves was Christmas of 2021. PBVJC adopted multiple families and helped make sure Santa came and bellies were full. Last year, the community rallied around donation recipients and made a tough time seem just a bit less tough. Asking nothing in return, PBVJC Venom Elves is proud to get involved.
This year the idea of adopting The Veterans came up for discussion, it was a no brainer. A unanimous YES from the PBVJC administration was made. When PBVJC went public with their intentions, the community was all on board as well. Given the task of filling 240+ gift bags for this veteran’s home, PBVJC Venom Elves were on the case.

Gratitude all around!
Warming your hearts even more, families that were previously adopted by the Elves also stepped in to pay it forward. You may not think that people previously helped will turn around and help others themselves, but, they did! This made the feeling of a successful Venom Elves venture all the more heartfelt and humbling.
Seeing so many people step in to help these veterans was a site that was amazing. These brave people sacrificed a portion of their life to fight for our freedoms and we are blessed and grateful. Our veterans are what this country is founded on. We stand on the shoulders of these brave men and women who have so selflessly fought for us. These donations are a small piece of homage we were so humble to pay. Never being able to thank these amazing people enough, we hope to put smiles on their faces this holiday season.

Selfless acts of kindness from PBVJC members and the community make for a great day and successful Elves season. A big nod to the Corvette club who came in as well! With their beautiful rides and their donations loaded in a large trailer they wowed the crowd. The Corvette club was also ready to help. Everyone involved had the same thought process as PBVJC, gratitude.
Fighting the bitter cold and high winds, PBVJC Elves met up and stuffed goodie bags. A humbling task for many who have endured much worse to protect us.
This time of the year can be hard for many people. PBVJC Venom Elves hopes that with their efforts, these veterans will have a warm and happy Holiday season.

PBVJC Venom Elves looks forward to getting involved in the community again in the 2023 Holiday season. Until then, thank you to all who participated in this year’s Venom Elves event and Merry Christmas to all and to all a good night.