On December 31, 2022, Pine Barren Venom Jeep club hosted a New Year’s Eve Day ride. 48 Jeeps head out for the last woods ride of the year

Jeepers of all stages head out for a day of fun. PBV administration members do a great job of coordinating such a large crowd. Member involvement through the use of 2-way radios help keep everyone on track as they navigate the trails.

The trails proved to be a bit challenging at times. Members and administration help each other get through the tricky terrain. A day in these woods can prove to be quite the workout as storm fallen trees needed to be moved as well. Lessons were also learned on this NYE ride. Beginners broke in their off-roading skills and stepped up to the challenges.

PBV enjoys teaching beginners the ropes and hosts beginner rides multiple times a year. The NYE ride was an example of a moderate set of trails. Back and forth banter on the radios kept the day entertaining. With all the rain that has previously fallen, the woods were quite soggy. This made for a challenging but fun day.

In conclusion
All in all the day was a great one. Everyone went in and came out in one piece. The kids had a great time as well as the Jeepdogs. This is the type of comradery that keeps PBVJC running strong. We thank our members for being patient as there were so many Jeeps NYE. We are appreciative of our members and administration and wish everyone a happy new year and thank you all for a great 2022. We are excited to see what 2023 will bring…..Stay tuned.