Slither and the Litter Problem
Go team Go!
One sunny morning, friends from the Pine Barren Venom Jeep Club gathered at their usual spot by the Atsion Mansion. The air buzzed with excitement as Mikey, Chelsea, Kenzie, and Brandon hopped into their Jeeps, ready for another adventure with Slither, the club’s beloved timber rattlesnake mascot.
“Alright, everyone!” Ryan, one of the club’s trail guides, called out. “Today, we’re exploring some of the unpaved roads deeper in the forest. Remember, it’s important to stay on the legal roads and tread lightly.”
The Jeeps roared to life, and off they went, with Slither leading the way, confidently walking beside Mikey’s Jeep. As they ventured deeper into the forest, Mikey spotted something that made him frown. “Look at all that trash!” he exclaimed, pointing to a pile of litter on the side of the unpaved road.
Chelsea gasped. “Who would do that? Don’t they know how bad it is for the environment?”
Kenzie shook her head. “This isn’t right. Trash like this can hurt animals, plants, and the environment.”
Brandon added, “And it makes the roads ugly. We can’t just leave it here.”

Slither walked over to the pile, inspecting it closely. He paced around the trash, almost as if searching for something hidden.
Ryan pulled up alongside the kids in his Jeep. “Looks like we’ve got a mission today,” he said. “We need to do the right thing, clean this up, and figure out how to prevent it from happening again. This is exactly why we carry trash bags with us when we head into the woods.”
As they got to work, picking up the litter with their gloves and grabbers, Slither walked off a little further down the road. A moment later, he returned, rattling his tail and leading the kids in their Jeeps to a hidden spot behind some bushes. There, they found an even bigger pile of trash, half-buried and out of sight.
“Good job, Slither!” Kenzie exclaimed. “This must be where people are dumping their trash when they think no one’s watching.”
“This is the very reason certain people want to stop anyone from using the woods,” Mikey said with a frown.
Slither raised his head proudly, as if to say, “Leave it to me to sniff out trouble!”
The kids and Ryan realized the problem was bigger than they thought. “We need to do more than just clean up,” Mikey said. “We need to stop this from happening in the first place. I think education is key!”
Chelsea suggested, “What if we put up signs reminding people not to litter? I’m sure with some effort it will catch on.”
Kenzie nodded. “That’s a good start, but we also need to get the whole community involved. If everyone knows about the problem, they can help too.”
Mikey’s eyes lit up. “What if we create a ‘Clean Up the Pines’ campaign? We can organize events and educate people about keeping our unpaved roads clean and staying on the legal ones—a stewardship with the forest caretakers.”
Ryan smiled proudly. “That’s a great idea. We can start by reaching out to other Jeep clubs and local businesses to join us. The more people we have, the bigger impact we can make.”
Slither rattled his tail in approval, then moved to the front of the group, clearly taking charge. “Follow me!” he seemed to say as he walked down the road, guiding them to the next task.
As they cleaned, Brandon cracked a joke to lighten the mood. “Why did the snake bring a ladder to the cleanup?” Why?” Everyone wondered. “Because he wanted to scale up the effort!” The kids burst into laughter, and even Slither gave an approving hiss.

The rest of the day was spent cleaning up the area, then driving to the nearest town to talk to people about their campaign idea. They spoke with other Jeep enthusiasts, local shop owners, and even a park ranger, who all agreed to help spread the word.
By the end of the day, the unpaved road looked much better. The kids were tired but happy, knowing they had made a difference. They headed back to their headquarters, where they gathered around a campfire with Slither resting contently nearby.
“This is just the beginning,” Ryan said. “With everyone’s help, we can keep our unpaved roads beautiful and safe for everyone to enjoy.”
Mikey, Chelsea, Kenzie, and Brandon nodded in agreement. They knew their work wasn’t done, but they were ready to take on the challenge. With Slither leading the way, they felt they could accomplish anything.
As the stars twinkled overhead, the Pine Barren Venom Jeep Club friends made a promise to each other and to the forest they loved: to protect and preserve it for future generations.
And so, their adventure continued, with Slither proudly at the front, reminding everyone of the importance of taking care of the environment and respecting the unpaved roads they loved to explore.
Sssssssee you next chapter!